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Monthly Market Data

May was positive for equities. Commodities declined.

Asset Class Returns

Major Asset Class Returns for the month ending May 31, 2024

Source: Jackson Creek Investment Advisors; S&P Global

  • U.S. Large Cap and International Developed markets had the highest returns for the month ending May 31, 2024. U.S. Small cap was a close second.

  • Commodities were negative.

  • Cash yielded close to 0.5%, with short-term rates still above 5% (see below).

The table below depicts the same information as above and shows which representative security is used for each asset class.

Source: Jackson Creek Investment Advisors. Not intended to portray any specific portfolios

Major Asset Class Returns for the year ending May 31, 2024

Source: Jackson Creek Investment Advisors; S&P Global

  • Over the last 12 months, U.S. Large Cap returned 26%, leading major asset classes.

  • Fixed Income was the lone asset class with a negative return during the past year. This was due to the rise in yields.

U.S. Index Returns with Growth & Value Styles

Source: Jackson Creek Investment Advisors; S&P Global

  • Among major U.S. equity style indices, the Russell 1000 Growth Index performed best in May. The index rose 6.0%

  • The Russell Mid-Cap Index generated the lowest return (+1.1%).

  • Growth beat Value in the large and small cap universes. Value outperformed Growth within the mid-cap universe.


Interest Rates

Source: Jackson Creek Investment Advisors; S&P Global

  • The Treasury yield curve shifted lower along most maturities compared to the end of April.

  • Maturities greater than one year saw yields rise from one year ago.

  • The yield curve remains inverted between key maturities (see next chart).

Source: Jackson Creek Investment Advisors; S&P Global

  • The negative spread between the 2YR and 10YR Treasury yields widened from last month. This was a result of the 10YR yield declining greater than the 2YR yield.

  • The level of inversion measured by the 2/10 spread is half what it was a year ago.

Disclaimer - this is not to be construed as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security. This is not meant to be indicative of any specific portfolio returns. Please see full disclosure on main blog page.



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