Most asset classes declined; Commodities provided some diversification
Asset Class Returns
Major Asset Class Returns for the 1 Month Ending October 31, 2024

Most major asset classes were negative in October. Commodities were the lone positive asset class. A basket of broad commodities rose 1.43%.
Non-U.S. equity markets fared the worst. International Developed countries declined the most (-5.27%) followed by Emerging Markets (-3.07%). Domestic stocks were negative across the capitalization spectrum. Mid Cap stocks had the smallest decline.
Fixed Income securities declined with the increase in interest rates (see below). Real Estate also pulled back after some recent positive momentum.
The table below depicts the same information as above and shows which representative security is used for each asset class.

Source: Jackson Creek Investment Advisors; S&P Global
Major Asset Class Returns for the Year Ending October 31, 2024

Large Cap U.S. equity continues to be the leading asset class over the past twelve months. The Large Cap SPY ETF that tracks the S&P 500 Index is up 37.4% over the past year.
Public Real Estate (+35.5%), U.S. Mid Cap (+34.6%), and U.S. Small Cap (+33.6%) were all close behind.
Despite the positive return during October, commodities have a negative trailing twelve-month return (-1.5%).
1 Month U.S. Index Returns with Growth & Value Styles

The Russell MidCap Growth Index was the single domestic equity style to post a gain during October.
Small Cap Value fared the worst as the Russell 2000 Value Index declined by 1.6%.
Growth outperformed Value across the capitalization spectrum.
Interest Rates

The yield curve flattened with rates moving up for maturities of 6M and longer. The yield curve is lower along each maturity compared to the end of last October.
The short-dated 1M U.S. Treasury Yield ended the month at 4.76% compared to 4.93% at the end of September. The long-dated 30Y ended at 4.47% compared to 4.14% at the end of September.

The 2Y/10Y spread is still positive, but lower than last month. The 2Y rate ended the month at 4.16% and the 10Y ended at 4.28%.
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