Top ten posts that piqued our readers' interests
More than half our most popular blog posts were focused on factor returns. Not surprising considering some of the spreads we experienced throughout 2023 and how it differed from 2022.
As we have said many times before, we are not great marketers, so please subscribe or share if you read something you like. Read top posts of 2022 here.
Here is the list of the top 10 most viewed posts published in 2023:
#10 Banking Boondoggle (Mar 17th) – Explains the acute banking crisis that caused a high-profile public bank to declare bankruptcy.
#9 Third Quarter Factor Update (Oct 12th) - Update on our five key factors through the first nine months of the year.
#8 Do You Know What a Duvet is? (Nov 17th) - One of our last ‘non-factor’ posts of the year (largely because I did not publish much in Dec). Relies on philosophy from the movie Fight Club to explain why it is difficult for us to curtail our spending.
#7 Halftime Update (Jul 20th) - Similar to #9, shows factor performance for the first six months of 2023.
#6 Are We Heading For More Volatility? (Apr 21st) - Looks at returns to our Volatility factor through the first quarter and how it compared to previous years.
#5 Role Reversal (Jan 20th) - Explains how Value and Volatility spreads abruptly reversed in the first couple weeks of the year, relative to the end of 2022.
#4 2022 Factor Recap (Jan 13th) - Another factor-related post. Full year factor spreads for 2022 during a tough year for equity markets.
#3 529-to-Roth Conversion (Feb 3rd) - The other personal finance related post to break the top ten. Summarizes a new provision that allows left over funds in a 529 education savings plan to be rolled into a Roth IRA in the beneficiary's name (certain restrictions apply).
#2 Weekly Factor Returns (Jan 17th) - Nice to see one of our regular weekly factor posts crack the top ten. The fact it was a week we experienced one of the largest Volatility spreads in our history makes sense.
#1 Jackson Creek Named to PSN Top Guns List of Best Performing Strategies for Q4 2022 (Mar 23rd) - From the 'patting ourselves on the back' category, a press release where we were recognized for performance metrics among certain SMA strategies.
Well, there you have it. Thank you for being a follower or at least reading our posts. We hope we can keep you informed and entertained in 2024!